Accessibility is Important for Everyone!: A geocache hosted on the site.


There is a strong business case for accessibility.

Source: WorldWideWeb Consortium Web Accessibility Initiative

Disclaimer: All of the caches in this series are nanos, and as such may not be easy to open for people who have issues with motor function. Unfortunately, it is simply too hard to place a cache that is both easily accessible by wheelchair and that won't get disturbed or removed by non-geocachers if it is large. Additionally, tabular data is generally not the most mobile friendly means of presentation. So, this page is not doing an ideal job of being accessible to devices that have smaller displays.

The previous three caches explored different accessibility guidelines and illustrated problems that arise when one does not follow those guidelines. This page is designed to show that making websites accessible benefits everyone, including people without disabilities. Here are features of the page that make it more accessible:

Accessibility Features of this page

This page is admittedly, pretty plain. Perhaps you would prefer something different. Do you think that the accessibility features ruined your experience? Do you think that they enhanced your experience?

Thanks for taking the time to read through the information! I'm sure you are anxious to determine the final coordinates for the cache. So, without further ado let's get to it!

The Final Coordinates

Information to retrieve the final coordinates:
Direction First Digit Degrees Second Digit Degrees Third Digit Degrees First Digit Minutes Second Digit Minutes First Decimal Digit Minutes Second Decimal Digit Minutes Third Decimal Digit Minutes
Latitude N Bupkis The number of characters in the word two How many lives it is said that a cat has A homonym for what golfers may shout at times The smallest prime number A homonym for what golfers may shout at times How many lives it is said that a cat has The first number with four factors
Longitude W The loneliest number, according to Three Dog Night Bupkis The third odd number Bupkis The third odd number The loneliest number, according to Three Dog Night The loneliest number, according to Three Dog Night The number of days in a week